I would recommend. Put this together in a few hours. Bed is pretty sturdy and material seems good. The instructions are all pictures and no words, a little bit tricky at some part. Make sure to focus on when you see picture with screws 80% or 100%. I tighten some screws at 100% and have to loosen them, which is a bit annoying, but my fault for not paying attention. Overall, pretty easy to put together.
Good bed!
I would recommend. Put this together in a few hours. Bed is pretty sturdy and material seems good. The instructions are all pictures and no words, a little bit tricky at some part. Make sure to focus on when you see picture with screws 80% or 100%. I tighten some screws at 100% and have to loosen them, which is a bit annoying, but my fault for not paying attention. Overall, pretty easy to put together.