This bed is sturdy and looks beautiful for the price I believe it was a great buys
Its not the easiest to assemble it will take some effort but its worth every penny.
It has held up well and feels sturdy I was afraid it might be flimsy but it turned out great. I used the zinus twin mattress 6inch and looks good feels good . Would recommend
Edit 12/16/2019
Took two stars away ,
Do not recommend this bed after a year of using its incredibly noisy and annoying it sucks because I cant buy another one. So still using this
I give it 3 stars because its a pretty frame but not practical. Quality could be improved.
Assembly is the only pain (edited)
This bed is sturdy and looks beautiful for the price I believe it was a great buys Its not the easiest to assemble it will take some effort but its worth every penny. It has held up well and feels sturdy I was afraid it might be flimsy but it turned out great. I used the zinus twin mattress 6inch and looks good feels good . Would recommend Edit 12/16/2019 Took two stars away , Do not recommend this bed after a year of using its incredibly noisy and annoying it sucks because I cant buy another one. So still using this I give it 3 stars because its a pretty frame but not practical. Quality could be improved.