REVIEW OF ASSEMBLY ONLY. Bought this for my sons room for when he comes home for a short stay while on leave from the military. Package arrived with no issues. All parts and pieces accounted for and undamaged. Frames are easy to put together with allen wrench screws. However it seems the screws were just a bit bigger than the 4mm allen wrenched I have in my tool box and although they provided you with 2 allen wrenches, one of them was just a touch too big.
Once put together, the bed seems pretty durable, but time will tell. Works well.
Assembly a Breeze
REVIEW OF ASSEMBLY ONLY. Bought this for my sons room for when he comes home for a short stay while on leave from the military. Package arrived with no issues. All parts and pieces accounted for and undamaged. Frames are easy to put together with allen wrench screws. However it seems the screws were just a bit bigger than the 4mm allen wrenched I have in my tool box and although they provided you with 2 allen wrenches, one of them was just a touch too big. Once put together, the bed seems pretty durable, but time will tell. Works well.