Not bad at all for the price. Pretty easy to put together (took me about an hour, had to have my husband help just a bit) and sturdy enough for what I bought it for / storing kitchen overflow. Its cute and can fit in with lots of different styles of decor. Knocked a star off for there being some marks on one of the doors. Theyre only noticeable if you get up close, but still, I expect a brand new product to be basically perfect. Very nice.
Its cute.
Not bad at all for the price. Pretty easy to put together (took me about an hour, had to have my husband help just a bit) and sturdy enough for what I bought it for / storing kitchen overflow. Its cute and can fit in with lots of different styles of decor. Knocked a star off for there being some marks on one of the doors. Theyre only noticeable if you get up close, but still, I expect a brand new product to be basically perfect. Very nice.