very pleased with this purchase, we have purchased many products before and they are very cheap compared to their quality. This one not super sturdy although, but perfect for occasional as we use this as a guest bed. recommended max weight is 250 lb but easily can hold 300 + weight. The legs look pretty cool but made of plastic. That shouldnt be a problem regarding weight as there are two additional legs in the center. dont expect to store anything big under, as the clearance is only 6 inch. Overall perfect for a tight budget ! Like!
afordable yet sturdy
very pleased with this purchase, we have purchased many products before and they are very cheap compared to their quality. This one not super sturdy although, but perfect for occasional as we use this as a guest bed. recommended max weight is 250 lb but easily can hold 300 + weight. The legs look pretty cool but made of plastic. That shouldnt be a problem regarding weight as there are two additional legs in the center. dont expect to store anything big under, as the clearance is only 6 inch. Overall perfect for a tight budget ! Like!