I love this bed. Its sturdy enough for my 4yo to jump on for hours without shaking, and plenty of space underneath for play! HOWEVER, the assembly of this product took FOREVER. The instructions were all pictures, with no real explanation, and none of the hardware is marked. I did get it together after five long hours, and am happy with the final result. I definitely recommend if youre looking for a big kid bed that leaves plenty of floor space for playing! Quality product.
The bed is aming, assembly is less than
I love this bed. Its sturdy enough for my 4yo to jump on for hours without shaking, and plenty of space underneath for play! HOWEVER, the assembly of this product took FOREVER. The instructions were all pictures, with no real explanation, and none of the hardware is marked. I did get it together after five long hours, and am happy with the final result. I definitely recommend if youre looking for a big kid bed that leaves plenty of floor space for playing! Quality product.