This was purchased to replace our sons toddler bed. Build quality is surprisingly good and the bed was easy enough to assemble. We were missing some hardware but the customer service team was more than diligent in ensuring we had what we needed and expedited the missing items to us. I was actually blown away by the level of attention that was given to our issue and the bed was set up and most importantly, my 4 year old loves it!!! Would absolutely recommend Great price and somewhat durable.
Excellent product support
This was purchased to replace our sons toddler bed. Build quality is surprisingly good and the bed was easy enough to assemble. We were missing some hardware but the customer service team was more than diligent in ensuring we had what we needed and expedited the missing items to us. I was actually blown away by the level of attention that was given to our issue and the bed was set up and most importantly, my 4 year old loves it!!! Would absolutely recommend Great price and somewhat durable.