We bought this bed for our childs birthday and were pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to assemble and how great the quality was for an online purchase. Our child loves it and were very happy with it overall. I will note that you need two people for part of the bed assembly but the bookshelves and dresser are easy for one person. highly recommend. The only downside is the weight limit for the bed is lower than expected. well just reinforce it when that time comes but well have years before we get to that point! Value.
so happy with this purchase
We bought this bed for our childs birthday and were pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to assemble and how great the quality was for an online purchase. Our child loves it and were very happy with it overall. I will note that you need two people for part of the bed assembly but the bookshelves and dresser are easy for one person. highly recommend. The only downside is the weight limit for the bed is lower than expected. well just reinforce it when that time comes but well have years before we get to that point! Value.