Honestly, weve had my sons new bed set up for only 3 weeks but so far its great!!! The finish/color is very pretty and its a perfect fit for a toddler. The low allows him to get in out safely but also has enough space underneath to utilize! I moved the 2nd shelf to his closet so he can get under his bed play but can always add it if needed. The instructions were easy took my husband I about an hour to put together. This bed should last him until he gets to be a teenager. I am hopeful its sturdy enough for that. Ill re/update if I have any issues. Easy as it says.
Perfect set up for a kids room!
Honestly, weve had my sons new bed set up for only 3 weeks but so far its great!!! The finish/color is very pretty and its a perfect fit for a toddler. The low allows him to get in out safely but also has enough space underneath to utilize! I moved the 2nd shelf to his closet so he can get under his bed play but can always add it if needed. The instructions were easy took my husband I about an hour to put together. This bed should last him until he gets to be a teenager. I am hopeful its sturdy enough for that. Ill re/update if I have any issues. Easy as it says.