Bed looks good but assembly is so much frustrating. Holes are not rightly cut and screws do not go inside well. As a result, needs much more strength to screw these. I have been assembling it for past 3 hours and still need more time.
Also, one of the screws was of smaller size than others so could not screw it. Will go to Home depot to buy proper size screw tomorrow.
Also, some metal parts came bent and attaching them to bed was other hassel.
I am so frustrated as I write this. Need to get back to assembling this bed before my husband comes back from work as he is so desperate to see this bed.
Bed looks good but assembly is so much frustrating. Holes are not rightly cut and screws do not go inside well. As a result, needs much more strength to screw these. I have been assembling it for past 3 hours and still need more time. Also, one of the screws was of smaller size than others so could not screw it. Will go to Home depot to buy proper size screw tomorrow. Also, some metal parts came bent and attaching them to bed was other hassel. I am so frustrated as I write this. Need to get back to assembling this bed before my husband comes back from work as he is so desperate to see this bed.