Super easy to assemble, all parts came in perfect condition! Can easily be done by yourself if needed.
My only complaint so far is the measurements were not accurate from the description to what it came out. It said 11 inches for under the bed but I measured it at almost 10 inches. The headboard as well is about 1 inch shorter than the description.
Either than that my queen bet fits great and feels super sturdy. I have a 12in thick bed so a smaller queen would look even better.
Great bang for your Buck if it ends up holding out for a long time
Very Solid bed for the price
Super easy to assemble, all parts came in perfect condition! Can easily be done by yourself if needed. My only complaint so far is the measurements were not accurate from the description to what it came out. It said 11 inches for under the bed but I measured it at almost 10 inches. The headboard as well is about 1 inch shorter than the description. Either than that my queen bet fits great and feels super sturdy. I have a 12in thick bed so a smaller queen would look even better. Great bang for your Buck if it ends up holding out for a long time