High quality product. Takes time to assemble. I spent a lot of time shopping wooden bunk beds on before purchasing this particular one. I was primarily concerned about the composition of the wood and how real it would be. Im happy to say that it is indeed real wood and from what I could tell, not a single bit of it is anything less (particle, MDF, etc.)
It doesnt take that long to put together - just follow the instructions. I would strongly recommend using wood glue on the dowel pins when joining the legs to the head board slats (x4, steps 3 and 4). This will provide added strength to the bunk after it is fully assembled.
And I would definitely recommend getting some more wood for the mattress supports as the gaps between each is much to large in my opinion. I saw other buys mention this as well and it is a good idea for not only added mattress support, but strengthening as well.
Overall very very happy with this product!
Very pleased and impressed
High quality product. Takes time to assemble. I spent a lot of time shopping wooden bunk beds on before purchasing this particular one. I was primarily concerned about the composition of the wood and how real it would be. Im happy to say that it is indeed real wood and from what I could tell, not a single bit of it is anything less (particle, MDF, etc.) It doesnt take that long to put together - just follow the instructions. I would strongly recommend using wood glue on the dowel pins when joining the legs to the head board slats (x4, steps 3 and 4). This will provide added strength to the bunk after it is fully assembled. And I would definitely recommend getting some more wood for the mattress supports as the gaps between each is much to large in my opinion. I saw other buys mention this as well and it is a good idea for not only added mattress support, but strengthening as well. Overall very very happy with this product!