When my wife and I ordered the table, we thought it would go great with our decor. It was easy to put the table together especially since I have a drill. Highly recommend a drill to save on time.
The only problem I have with the table is that Im 61. when I go to sit down, my daddy long legs hit the shelf that sits under the table. I have to remember not to go too close. Other than that, its a great starter table. Thank you so much.
Strong Table
When my wife and I ordered the table, we thought it would go great with our decor. It was easy to put the table together especially since I have a drill. Highly recommend a drill to save on time. The only problem I have with the table is that Im 61. when I go to sit down, my daddy long legs hit the shelf that sits under the table. I have to remember not to go too close. Other than that, its a great starter table. Thank you so much.