We got this for our spare bedroom, it looks nice and is very sturdy. The instructions were fairly easy to read, there are a couple spots that could use a bit more explanation, but photos helped. A lot of the the same pieces, bit they seemed to be for a specific side with out labels.
The mattress does slide a little, but not bad. Plenty of storage underneath, but sits low enough you can easily get in bed, especially for the extra thick mattress.
Rough Assem6
We got this for our spare bedroom, it looks nice and is very sturdy. The instructions were fairly easy to read, there are a couple spots that could use a bit more explanation, but photos helped. A lot of the the same pieces, bit they seemed to be for a specific side with out labels. The mattress does slide a little, but not bad. Plenty of storage underneath, but sits low enough you can easily get in bed, especially for the extra thick mattress.