The bike arrived within the promised timeframe. The parts were well packed and assembly was both minimal and reasonably straightforward. The necessary tools and hardware were included. The derailleur system was reasonably well calibrated out of the box.
The seat is functional and solid. The mounting pole is compatible with standard seat mounting hardware, and the flip up functionality is not impaired by the aftermarket seat installation.
The included cargo rack is solid and seems reasonably well built, and has held up to loads of over 200lbs without deforming or notable wear.
The brake light is functional and reasonably high visibility, the headlight is usable, but not great.
While the throttle feels like an analog system, it is actually digital, the engine will either be off, or rev up to the set speed.
Since receiving the bike I have put about 700 miles on it over the course of about a month. So far the general performance has been reasonable, with the caveat that this is clearly a low price, entry point machine.
Top speed on flat, paved terrain, using only the motor, is about 20/21 MPH. Climbing hills that falls off, mildly for minor grades, sharply on moderate to steep grades. On steep grades, the bike tops out at roughly 6/8 MPH.
Range varies a great deal based on weather, riding conditions, and riding behavior. It will also likely vary based on the riders weight and size. Performance falls notably on loose sand. While the bike CAN work on sand, expect significantly impaired handling and commensurately lower operating speeds unless the sand/dirt is well packed. I have not yet tested the bike in snowy conditions.
For all of the following range calculations, keep in mind that I am a 260lbs six foot tall airbrake strapped to the back of the bike. I am also riding in a rural area with a combination of paved, gravel, and dirt roads of varying quality, and a number of hills of varying grade. There is also variable head/tailwinds.
Lighter or smaller riders will likely see somewhat better performance numbers, as will those who primarily ride on flat and/or well maintained roads, or in areas with negligible wind issues. Heavier or larger riders, or those riding on worse roads or with extensive hills, will likely see worse performance.
At the lowest speed setting, pedaling steadily but slowly in high gear, I have seen ranges of approximately 32 miles on a charge, and approximately ten miles an hour as an average speed.
At the middle speed setting, with similar pedaling, I have seen ranges of approximately 27 miles a charge, at speeds averaging fifteen miles an hour.
At the highest speed setting, I have seen ranges of approximately 22 miles a charge, at speeds averaging 19 miles an hour. At this speed setting, I am not able to appreciably keep up with the pedal assist using the gearing on the bike. It is effectively running in motor only mode. More physically able riders likely could, which would add to the potential range.
The bike is compatible with a standard axle bracket for mounting trailers, though this is not included and must be installed yourself or by a bike shop.
I have not had any noticeable issues with the functionality of the bike with a trailer installed, though of course one should expect some level of range/speed loss depending on the weight and surface area of the load being transported. My use case for the trailer is primarily groceries and hauling household trash to the transfer site, and for these purposes the effect on range and speed is effectively null.
In terms of durability, I have not had any serious issues with the bike. The components that were pre/assembled were properly tightened and were not in danger of coming loose. The bike technician I hired to check over the bike after delivery/assembly noted no issues with any of the mechanisms or setup. The hinges and brackets for the folding mechanism remain solid and secure after 700 miles of riding.
Reasonable performance for the price
The bike arrived within the promised timeframe. The parts were well packed and assembly was both minimal and reasonably straightforward. The necessary tools and hardware were included. The derailleur system was reasonably well calibrated out of the box. The seat is functional and solid. The mounting pole is compatible with standard seat mounting hardware, and the flip up functionality is not impaired by the aftermarket seat installation. The included cargo rack is solid and seems reasonably well built, and has held up to loads of over 200lbs without deforming or notable wear. The brake light is functional and reasonably high visibility, the headlight is usable, but not great. While the throttle feels like an analog system, it is actually digital, the engine will either be off, or rev up to the set speed. Since receiving the bike I have put about 700 miles on it over the course of about a month. So far the general performance has been reasonable, with the caveat that this is clearly a low price, entry point machine. Top speed on flat, paved terrain, using only the motor, is about 20/21 MPH. Climbing hills that falls off, mildly for minor grades, sharply on moderate to steep grades. On steep grades, the bike tops out at roughly 6/8 MPH. Range varies a great deal based on weather, riding conditions, and riding behavior. It will also likely vary based on the riders weight and size. Performance falls notably on loose sand. While the bike CAN work on sand, expect significantly impaired handling and commensurately lower operating speeds unless the sand/dirt is well packed. I have not yet tested the bike in snowy conditions. For all of the following range calculations, keep in mind that I am a 260lbs six foot tall airbrake strapped to the back of the bike. I am also riding in a rural area with a combination of paved, gravel, and dirt roads of varying quality, and a number of hills of varying grade. There is also variable head/tailwinds. Lighter or smaller riders will likely see somewhat better performance numbers, as will those who primarily ride on flat and/or well maintained roads, or in areas with negligible wind issues. Heavier or larger riders, or those riding on worse roads or with extensive hills, will likely see worse performance. At the lowest speed setting, pedaling steadily but slowly in high gear, I have seen ranges of approximately 32 miles on a charge, and approximately ten miles an hour as an average speed. At the middle speed setting, with similar pedaling, I have seen ranges of approximately 27 miles a charge, at speeds averaging fifteen miles an hour. At the highest speed setting, I have seen ranges of approximately 22 miles a charge, at speeds averaging 19 miles an hour. At this speed setting, I am not able to appreciably keep up with the pedal assist using the gearing on the bike. It is effectively running in motor only mode. More physically able riders likely could, which would add to the potential range. The bike is compatible with a standard axle bracket for mounting trailers, though this is not included and must be installed yourself or by a bike shop. I have not had any noticeable issues with the functionality of the bike with a trailer installed, though of course one should expect some level of range/speed loss depending on the weight and surface area of the load being transported. My use case for the trailer is primarily groceries and hauling household trash to the transfer site, and for these purposes the effect on range and speed is effectively null. In terms of durability, I have not had any serious issues with the bike. The components that were pre/assembled were properly tightened and were not in danger of coming loose. The bike technician I hired to check over the bike after delivery/assembly noted no issues with any of the mechanisms or setup. The hinges and brackets for the folding mechanism remain solid and secure after 700 miles of riding.