The bike seemed strong. It is not light so when you fold it up and move it around, it can be awkward. I do enjoy the riding experience it is fun and it rides around nicely.
My only concern is the customer support. They took a very long time to get back with me when I had delivery concerns, and often I would not receive any return calls. I hope I never have to return it as it would need to be packaged back up which would never happen due to the box. Also you can not drop it off to the their distribution location. Which is only down the road for me.
Good bike bad customer service.
The bike seemed strong. It is not light so when you fold it up and move it around, it can be awkward. I do enjoy the riding experience it is fun and it rides around nicely. My only concern is the customer support. They took a very long time to get back with me when I had delivery concerns, and often I would not receive any return calls. I hope I never have to return it as it would need to be packaged back up which would never happen due to the box. Also you can not drop it off to the their distribution location. Which is only down the road for me.