My was delivered quickly and in a very sturdy box. There was no damage during shipping.
Assembly was extremely easy. I am an older guy who has been riding bikes my whole life but the last few years Ive avoided riding because lately riding a bicycle has gotten hard on my body. The first time I got on my electric , I found a whole new riding experience. WOW, I was going up steep grades with no effort. I live in the Rocky Mountains and even just riding in my neighborhood I incur many steep grades which the takes on with ease. With its low center of gravity and its fat 20 inch tires this bike is extremely stable and easy to ride. I love my new .
Very well built
My was delivered quickly and in a very sturdy box. There was no damage during shipping. Assembly was extremely easy. I am an older guy who has been riding bikes my whole life but the last few years Ive avoided riding because lately riding a bicycle has gotten hard on my body. The first time I got on my electric , I found a whole new riding experience. WOW, I was going up steep grades with no effort. I live in the Rocky Mountains and even just riding in my neighborhood I incur many steep grades which the takes on with ease. With its low center of gravity and its fat 20 inch tires this bike is extremely stable and easy to ride. I love my new .