We have yet to assemble it so cant comment on the quality of the finished product but the one thing we want to note is that do NOT expect the color or tone of the stain to be what is pictured on . We purchased this product to match or come close to matching other pieces of furniture we own. The first photo on is a very similar stain tone to what we own. Unfortunately, when we received the product, it had a dramatically darker stain than what is shown, almost a formal dark walnut type stain which does not match our other furniture.
Color and tone are NOT what is shown on
We have yet to assemble it so cant comment on the quality of the finished product but the one thing we want to note is that do NOT expect the color or tone of the stain to be what is pictured on . We purchased this product to match or come close to matching other pieces of furniture we own. The first photo on is a very similar stain tone to what we own. Unfortunately, when we received the product, it had a dramatically darker stain than what is shown, almost a formal dark walnut type stain which does not match our other furniture.