I purchased this chair to allow my toddler to sit next to me while I nurse a newborn. It fits us all perfectly but also fits two adults. It was simple to assemble but its so large that you need to assemble inside the space it will remain as it would not fit through a door frame. My only complaint would be it slides backwards each time you get up and down so I constantly have to move it away from the wall. Will be ordering more.
Great for snuggling 2 kids!
I purchased this chair to allow my toddler to sit next to me while I nurse a newborn. It fits us all perfectly but also fits two adults. It was simple to assemble but its so large that you need to assemble inside the space it will remain as it would not fit through a door frame. My only complaint would be it slides backwards each time you get up and down so I constantly have to move it away from the wall. Will be ordering more.