I bought this from the warehouse and it said on the description that the box was damaged but that was all that was wrong with it. It came Prime from UPS and I was excited to get it together. The hardware bag was in there but the bottom was ripped open. All the hardware was gone. I found a few washers and stray bolts but no nuts and most of the bolts were gone. customer service said since it was sold through a third party, they dont have the hardware to ship a replacement. I could either return it or take a discount. I ook the discount. Everything else was still in their bags and bubble wrap. I found some carriage bolts that worked for the seat frame and the base has nuts welded in so I used the ones I found in the bottom of the box for that. Theyre just M6 nuts and bolts so its a pretty easy size to find if you need to. The ones for the seat frame need to be at least 1 and 3/4 long to use with the washers. The ones for the base should be between 10 and 20mm long. If you have it on hand, some blue Locktite on all the bolts would probably give you some piece of mind.
It was a little tricky to get the seat frame together because I think the frames were a little warped and didnt want to mate together well. It went together, eventually and I put the cushion on and tried it out.
Its a lot smaller than my previous papasan chairs but e swivel part and the metal frame seem pretty solid. Im 55 tall and chunky and it holds me pretty well. My 65lb dog decided to join me on the new chair unexpectedly and it still felt sturdy and swiveled smoothly.
Its nice for casual seating but if youre expecting to get swallowed by a tufted cushion in an almost bed/like papasan, its going to disappoint you.or if youre over like 6ft and want your head and butt supported by it. But this vertically challenged chick appoves.
Missing hardware but easily replaceable.
I bought this from the warehouse and it said on the description that the box was damaged but that was all that was wrong with it. It came Prime from UPS and I was excited to get it together. The hardware bag was in there but the bottom was ripped open. All the hardware was gone. I found a few washers and stray bolts but no nuts and most of the bolts were gone. customer service said since it was sold through a third party, they dont have the hardware to ship a replacement. I could either return it or take a discount. I ook the discount. Everything else was still in their bags and bubble wrap. I found some carriage bolts that worked for the seat frame and the base has nuts welded in so I used the ones I found in the bottom of the box for that. Theyre just M6 nuts and bolts so its a pretty easy size to find if you need to. The ones for the seat frame need to be at least 1 and 3/4 long to use with the washers. The ones for the base should be between 10 and 20mm long. If you have it on hand, some blue Locktite on all the bolts would probably give you some piece of mind. It was a little tricky to get the seat frame together because I think the frames were a little warped and didnt want to mate together well. It went together, eventually and I put the cushion on and tried it out. Its a lot smaller than my previous papasan chairs but e swivel part and the metal frame seem pretty solid. Im 55 tall and chunky and it holds me pretty well. My 65lb dog decided to join me on the new chair unexpectedly and it still felt sturdy and swiveled smoothly. Its nice for casual seating but if youre expecting to get swallowed by a tufted cushion in an almost bed/like papasan, its going to disappoint you.or if youre over like 6ft and want your head and butt supported by it. But this vertically challenged chick appoves.