It took me about 2.5 hours to assemble. It was worth it. Fits perfect where I wanted to put it and it looks real nice. I read all the reviews so I was kinda worried when I bought it but I think people have been assembling the bottom drawer wrong. It’s easy to get confused while doing it. I assembled it wrong and the Bottom drawer would stick out a bit and after carefully reading the instructions and realizing a couple of pieces where backwards I was able to get it to look like it’s supposed to.
Great printer stand
It took me about 2.5 hours to assemble. It was worth it. Fits perfect where I wanted to put it and it looks real nice. I read all the reviews so I was kinda worried when I bought it but I think people have been assembling the bottom drawer wrong. It’s easy to get confused while doing it. I assembled it wrong and the Bottom drawer would stick out a bit and after carefully reading the instructions and realizing a couple of pieces where backwards I was able to get it to look like it’s supposed to.