Bought this for my five yer old. Product arrived on/time, package was good, color was as advertised. The bed frame is sturdy. Assembling took about 2 1/2 hours (did not use power driver). My daughter loves it and thoroughly enjoys the slide and the hide away. Now she can slide and have fun during winter without worrying to go out in the park in the cold I am thinking about putting custom made screens for the hide away so bought this without them. The slide is detachable so I can remove it when it is no more needed. Bought 8 inch twin size bed that fits nice and safe. it is very pretty.
Value for money! Fun for the !!
Bought this for my five yer old. Product arrived on/time, package was good, color was as advertised. The bed frame is sturdy. Assembling took about 2 1/2 hours (did not use power driver). My daughter loves it and thoroughly enjoys the slide and the hide away. Now she can slide and have fun during winter without worrying to go out in the park in the cold I am thinking about putting custom made screens for the hide away so bought this without them. The slide is detachable so I can remove it when it is no more needed. Bought 8 inch twin size bed that fits nice and safe. it is very pretty.