Was easy to assemble. Definitely not worth the money. This is definitely a couch for someone who is just starting out. Cheap quality. The color was not right. There was a chip in the tray and a screw cover missing. The back cushions were flimsy. Its a skinny couch so if you want to snuggle up and watch a movie with the family, this isnt for you. The only good thing about this couch is that it was super easy to assemble. Do NOT recommend.
Not a family couch.
Was easy to assemble. Definitely not worth the money. This is definitely a couch for someone who is just starting out. Cheap quality. The color was not right. There was a chip in the tray and a screw cover missing. The back cushions were flimsy. Its a skinny couch so if you want to snuggle up and watch a movie with the family, this isnt for you. The only good thing about this couch is that it was super easy to assemble. Do NOT recommend.