Adorable, cuter than the picture. It was super easy to assemble took minutes. Its sturdy, but light. I wouldnt want to sit in this 8 hours a day it doesnt have the back support but its perfect for at a vanity or an occasional desk.
The seat is wide enough. I dont like gold in general and it didnt go with my vanity, but they had it for 56 as a returned like new so I figured a can of spray paint would fix it and it sure did. Honestly this shade of pink was meant to go with white it looks perfect.
I always worry a chair is actually meant for a child Im 59 250lbs. I fit just fine. According to the manufacturer if supports 330lbs My mom loves it.
Perfect vanity chair
Adorable, cuter than the picture. It was super easy to assemble took minutes. Its sturdy, but light. I wouldnt want to sit in this 8 hours a day it doesnt have the back support but its perfect for at a vanity or an occasional desk. The seat is wide enough. I dont like gold in general and it didnt go with my vanity, but they had it for 56 as a returned like new so I figured a can of spray paint would fix it and it sure did. Honestly this shade of pink was meant to go with white it looks perfect. I always worry a chair is actually meant for a child Im 59 250lbs. I fit just fine. According to the manufacturer if supports 330lbs My mom loves it.