This product is very cheap but it does a nice job of setting up my two/screen office. I was using a random table but this is a big improvement. I was surprised that most of the screw holes have metal inserts to facilitate the assembly. The assembly went much more smoothly and easily than I thought it was going to be. They recommend two people do it but I was able to do it by myself. I think the manufacturer put a lot of thought into how this was going to be assembled. The materials are generally on the flimsy side so I wouldnt put an aquarium on it, but it is fine with computer screens, keyboards and things of that sort. That is fine because what can you expect for a desk that costs just over 100? Considering the cost, this desk is an aming value, and it does a stand/up job as an office desk. On the plus side its very light and I find that convenient. If in the future I move and this desk does not survive the move, I am so OK with buying another one. Very functional.
Good Value
This product is very cheap but it does a nice job of setting up my two/screen office. I was using a random table but this is a big improvement. I was surprised that most of the screw holes have metal inserts to facilitate the assembly. The assembly went much more smoothly and easily than I thought it was going to be. They recommend two people do it but I was able to do it by myself. I think the manufacturer put a lot of thought into how this was going to be assembled. The materials are generally on the flimsy side so I wouldnt put an aquarium on it, but it is fine with computer screens, keyboards and things of that sort. That is fine because what can you expect for a desk that costs just over 100? Considering the cost, this desk is an aming value, and it does a stand/up job as an office desk. On the plus side its very light and I find that convenient. If in the future I move and this desk does not survive the move, I am so OK with buying another one. Very functional.