We ordered this chair for my Mom, and she loves it. Very comfortable, large seating area but not too large. The color was very nice as it matches the color scheme in the living area. We havent had any issues with the mechanicals and it was easy to put together. As a matter of fact, my 14 year old nephew put it together. If youre looking for a comfortable chair at a great price point, dont hesitate to purchase. Enough strength.
Great chair at a fair price.
We ordered this chair for my Mom, and she loves it. Very comfortable, large seating area but not too large. The color was very nice as it matches the color scheme in the living area. We havent had any issues with the mechanicals and it was easy to put together. As a matter of fact, my 14 year old nephew put it together. If youre looking for a comfortable chair at a great price point, dont hesitate to purchase. Enough strength.