Super easy to put together, and gave my 12/yo a chance to learn the joy of using an allen wrench! This fits perfectly under her loft bed, gives the room a very cool lounge vibe. Pink velvet is adorable. It is a bit stiff to sit on, but not enough to really bother about. We have not used as a futon yet and are looking forward to many sleepovers with this addition! Easy build,
Perfect under a loft bed!
Super easy to put together, and gave my 12/yo a chance to learn the joy of using an allen wrench! This fits perfectly under her loft bed, gives the room a very cool lounge vibe. Pink velvet is adorable. It is a bit stiff to sit on, but not enough to really bother about. We have not used as a futon yet and are looking forward to many sleepovers with this addition! Easy build,