Sturdy, easy to assemble, and affordable / well worth it!
Ill admit I took a huge risk purchasing this piece with no other reviews to back it (hooray for being the first actual reviewer!). But I am 100 satisfied with this product. It was easy/to/assemble (took about 90 minutes or so with just one person), sturdy, and looks great in my bedroom. Thanks for making a fantastic product. 5/5 highly recommend.
Sturdy, easy to assemble, and affordable / well worth it!
Ill admit I took a huge risk purchasing this piece with no other reviews to back it (hooray for being the first actual reviewer!). But I am 100 satisfied with this product. It was easy/to/assemble (took about 90 minutes or so with just one person), sturdy, and looks great in my bedroom. Thanks for making a fantastic product. 5/5 highly recommend.