We have owned numerous baby items over the years. They are always fairly sturdy and a good, affordable option that I prefer to buying the similarly price but unattractive Swedish superstore options.
We are using this in a room with a matching crib and changing table and its just a really nice traditional look. Very elegant. I have another toddler bed that we have been using for a while now and it has been very sturdy and is excellent quality, so the quality of their beds has been very consistent.
My little one has a tendency to roll off of beds, so this bed was a great option now that she is climbing out of a crib. She has a bed that is just her size and the rails deter her a bit from falling off, plus its nice and low if she does roll off.
This is super easy to put together and we are very happy with it.
Lovely toddler bed
We have owned numerous baby items over the years. They are always fairly sturdy and a good, affordable option that I prefer to buying the similarly price but unattractive Swedish superstore options. We are using this in a room with a matching crib and changing table and its just a really nice traditional look. Very elegant. I have another toddler bed that we have been using for a while now and it has been very sturdy and is excellent quality, so the quality of their beds has been very consistent. My little one has a tendency to roll off of beds, so this bed was a great option now that she is climbing out of a crib. She has a bed that is just her size and the rails deter her a bit from falling off, plus its nice and low if she does roll off. This is super easy to put together and we are very happy with it.