This is a very nice table and makes a great addition to my family room. I enjoy having the drawers and extra shelves below. The color is just what I wanted. It is sturdy and a good quality. The assembly was pretty simple.Id say it took me about 20 minutes to put it all together, which for me is really aming. I tried to upload my photo since I know it helps others out, but couldnt get it to work. So, if youre looking for a pretty console table, you wont be disappointed with this!
Really pretty table!
This is a very nice table and makes a great addition to my family room. I enjoy having the drawers and extra shelves below. The color is just what I wanted. It is sturdy and a good quality. The assembly was pretty simple.Id say it took me about 20 minutes to put it all together, which for me is really aming. I tried to upload my photo since I know it helps others out, but couldnt get it to work. So, if youre looking for a pretty console table, you wont be disappointed with this!