Update, I like the couch very much, still. However, a leg broke when I was scooting it across an admittedly uneven floor. The legs arent super sturdy. Gonna replace the legs with some straight ones. Still dont regret the purchase for the price.
So far, very happy. Its not a sink down into it comfy couch, but its comfortable for watching TV, no uncomfortable beams or bars poking anywhere. I can see having to replace the foam in the cushions in the first year or so, but a few months in, Im still happy with my purchase. So far meets my expectations
Worth the price.
Update, I like the couch very much, still. However, a leg broke when I was scooting it across an admittedly uneven floor. The legs arent super sturdy. Gonna replace the legs with some straight ones. Still dont regret the purchase for the price. So far, very happy. Its not a sink down into it comfy couch, but its comfortable for watching TV, no uncomfortable beams or bars poking anywhere. I can see having to replace the foam in the cushions in the first year or so, but a few months in, Im still happy with my purchase. So far meets my expectations