Difficult to assemble but worth the money and extremely sturdy
Bought for a highly destructive foster child to increase livability in a small room. Survived being dumped over, hit, deliberate attempts to crack and break shelves, kicking, attempts to rip pieces off of it and looked as great when we took it down as when we put it up. If it can survive this it can definitely survive regular wear and tear. Did not come with assembly directions and it took a good 45 minutes to an hour to find them online. Not too bad to put together once we located directions but until then it was a real challenge. Better then I thought
Difficult to assemble but worth the money and extremely sturdy
Bought for a highly destructive foster child to increase livability in a small room. Survived being dumped over, hit, deliberate attempts to crack and break shelves, kicking, attempts to rip pieces off of it and looked as great when we took it down as when we put it up. If it can survive this it can definitely survive regular wear and tear. Did not come with assembly directions and it took a good 45 minutes to an hour to find them online. Not too bad to put together once we located directions but until then it was a real challenge. Better then I thought