Daughter loves it more than one person to put together
My daughter loves this bed, its very sturdy I was prepared to chain it to the wall. I put it against thle wall and asked if the stairs hurt her feet ready to get a pool floaty thing like in the other comments but she said no,I put the side pieces together by myself (Im a single mom) there was no way I was going to get it all together alone I had to call for backup) Worked for my use.
Daughter loves it more than one person to put together
My daughter loves this bed, its very sturdy I was prepared to chain it to the wall. I put it against thle wall and asked if the stairs hurt her feet ready to get a pool floaty thing like in the other comments but she said no,I put the side pieces together by myself (Im a single mom) there was no way I was going to get it all together alone I had to call for backup) Worked for my use.