My son loves this bunk bed. It was easy to put together but time consuming. Will take 2 people for some steps. Only one of the two boxes of parts were delivered. The company was extremely helpful and attentive in getting this resolved. They also gave me a credit for the inconvenience. There are some weight restrictions. 200lb for bottom and 150lb for top. My husband is around 175lbs and noticed the bed creak a bit when he kind of plopped down on the bottom bunk to read my son a story. Overall, its worth the price I think and is a nice bed. ALL GOOD!
My son loves this bunk bed. It was easy to put together but time consuming. Will take 2 people for some steps. Only one of the two boxes of parts were delivered. The company was extremely helpful and attentive in getting this resolved. They also gave me a credit for the inconvenience. There are some weight restrictions. 200lb for bottom and 150lb for top. My husband is around 175lbs and noticed the bed creak a bit when he kind of plopped down on the bottom bunk to read my son a story. Overall, its worth the price I think and is a nice bed. ALL GOOD!