It was easy to assemble and has held up well so far. The size is nice, though its a lower couch, and its long enough that two or three people could sit on it. Assembly didnt require any tools so that was good, though slotting the middle parts together was annoying. You can do it with one person but it would have been easier with two. In terms of comfort, its not a block of memory foam but its certainly not cushion/level comfort. All in all, if you need a cheaper couch for a small space, this is perfect. the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations
Sturdy and comfortable enough for the price
It was easy to assemble and has held up well so far. The size is nice, though its a lower couch, and its long enough that two or three people could sit on it. Assembly didnt require any tools so that was good, though slotting the middle parts together was annoying. You can do it with one person but it would have been easier with two. In terms of comfort, its not a block of memory foam but its certainly not cushion/level comfort. All in all, if you need a cheaper couch for a small space, this is perfect. the product is beautiful and honestly exceeded my expectations