This a great product for small kids ages 4 to 13. I weigh 165lb I make the bars bow. If that gives you a idea. How sturdy this is. Other than that for little people its solid as a rock. My Daughters love this product. Its just right for a apartment. An to put it to gether make shure you grab a second allen wrench. An a freind to help hold it up. Very well built
Make shure you ask a freind for help.
This a great product for small kids ages 4 to 13. I weigh 165lb I make the bars bow. If that gives you a idea. How sturdy this is. Other than that for little people its solid as a rock. My Daughters love this product. Its just right for a apartment. An to put it to gether make shure you grab a second allen wrench. An a freind to help hold it up. Very well built