Great value for the price, relatively easy to assemble.
I think this bed is a good value for the cost. It came in a slim, tall box that was extremely heavy, it really needed two people to lift. There were no words of instruction, just pictures. I am a middle/aged woman who has only put a few bookcases together before and it took me about two and a half hours to assemble. I included a picture of the L wrench and nut holder, which were the only tools needed. The set was missing one nut, but a quick trip to Home Depot and I had a replacement. That was included in my time, and I expect someone with more experience could put it together much quicker. It is possible to do it yourself.
It is comfortable, provides firm support, but I dont know if I would trust it for larger folks, it doesnt seem that strong. But for just me it is great. The only negative thing I have noticed is that while the headboard and footboard hold the mattress in, there is nothing holding the sides of the mattress in place, and I find myself pushing it back in place. This product is pretty decent for the price
Great value for the price, relatively easy to assemble.
I think this bed is a good value for the cost. It came in a slim, tall box that was extremely heavy, it really needed two people to lift. There were no words of instruction, just pictures. I am a middle/aged woman who has only put a few bookcases together before and it took me about two and a half hours to assemble. I included a picture of the L wrench and nut holder, which were the only tools needed. The set was missing one nut, but a quick trip to Home Depot and I had a replacement. That was included in my time, and I expect someone with more experience could put it together much quicker. It is possible to do it yourself. It is comfortable, provides firm support, but I dont know if I would trust it for larger folks, it doesnt seem that strong. But for just me it is great. The only negative thing I have noticed is that while the headboard and footboard hold the mattress in, there is nothing holding the sides of the mattress in place, and I find myself pushing it back in place. This product is pretty decent for the price