I bought this for my 10 yr old grand daughter! She is small for her age. This is very comfortable, but I think its best suited for a 5/7 year old. The quality is aming. I thought it was going to be larger, but am still very pleased with the purchase. It was placed in her bedroom and looks beautiful!
It was very easy to assemble. Just pulled out the 1 piece seat and screwed the 4 legs and it was ready to go. Aming!!! Would definitely buy again!
I bought this for my 10 yr old grand daughter! She is small for her age. This is very comfortable, but I think its best suited for a 5/7 year old. The quality is aming. I thought it was going to be larger, but am still very pleased with the purchase. It was placed in her bedroom and looks beautiful! It was very easy to assemble. Just pulled out the 1 piece seat and screwed the 4 legs and it was ready to go. Aming!!! Would definitely buy again!