Its a perfect size for us. Very sturdy so far but light enough so I can move it by myself if need be. I like the design because it leaves plenty of space underneath for storage.
I put this together by myself but if you can get a person to help you it will go MUCH faster (took me about 3.5 hours and a lot of expletives to finish). Its not too difficult, but the pieces are long and having someone to help hold things in place is invaluable.
Tip: dont use the hex key to tighten the screws until the very end. I had to go back and loosen screws in order to get a lot of the pieces to fit correctly and it wouldve saved me a bunch of time if Id just hand tightened in the first place. Very economical and beautiful product
Great product for the price
Its a perfect size for us. Very sturdy so far but light enough so I can move it by myself if need be. I like the design because it leaves plenty of space underneath for storage. I put this together by myself but if you can get a person to help you it will go MUCH faster (took me about 3.5 hours and a lot of expletives to finish). Its not too difficult, but the pieces are long and having someone to help hold things in place is invaluable. Tip: dont use the hex key to tighten the screws until the very end. I had to go back and loosen screws in order to get a lot of the pieces to fit correctly and it wouldve saved me a bunch of time if Id just hand tightened in the first place. Very economical and beautiful product