Bought this for my 8 yr old. It was easy for one person to assemble, just needed a hand at the end. I did have to take a couple pieces apart because the instructions were a little vague, but nothing major. Weve both been on it with no issues, but its definitely meant for agile kids instead of old adults! Im too old for those stairs. Its a little cold since its and not wood, but worth the price! Exceeded my expectations
Nice and sturdy, easy to assemble
Bought this for my 8 yr old. It was easy for one person to assemble, just needed a hand at the end. I did have to take a couple pieces apart because the instructions were a little vague, but nothing major. Weve both been on it with no issues, but its definitely meant for agile kids instead of old adults! Im too old for those stairs. Its a little cold since its and not wood, but worth the price! Exceeded my expectations