This shipped out the same day i ordered it and i got it about 5 days ahead of what they originally said. Even though it is particle board it seems pretty sturdy and doesnt look cheap. I couldnt be more pleased with my purchase. It wasnt hard to assemble with two people. It is pretty short/low I think if youre going to mount your tv this is perfect.
small disclaimer: i found out that ps4 pros do not fit in the shelving, it is a pretty narrow piece of furniture not a huge deal if youre going to mount the tv, a ps4 could sit on the top just fine.
FAST shipping!
This shipped out the same day i ordered it and i got it about 5 days ahead of what they originally said. Even though it is particle board it seems pretty sturdy and doesnt look cheap. I couldnt be more pleased with my purchase. It wasnt hard to assemble with two people. It is pretty short/low I think if youre going to mount your tv this is perfect. small disclaimer: i found out that ps4 pros do not fit in the shelving, it is a pretty narrow piece of furniture not a huge deal if youre going to mount the tv, a ps4 could sit on the top just fine.