Extremely happy with this purchase. It is a beautiful well-made sturdy daybed. In a little more than an hour I unwrapped carried the pieces to where they needed to be and put it together all by myself and I am a 50 year-old man! Believe me if I can do it anybody can! Very high quality for a low price and it came with all the tools and they were very well packaged and all the pieces were marked and the instructions were very clear . Everything fit perfectly and I can't wait to get it made up and use it. It's very pretty and you won't be disappointed.
Well worth the money
Extremely happy with this purchase. It is a beautiful well-made sturdy daybed. In a little more than an hour I unwrapped carried the pieces to where they needed to be and put it together all by myself and I am a 50 year-old man! Believe me if I can do it anybody can! Very high quality for a low price and it came with all the tools and they were very well packaged and all the pieces were marked and the instructions were very clear . Everything fit perfectly and I can't wait to get it made up and use it. It's very pretty and you won't be disappointed.