Upon receiving the chair, I discovered that one of the legs was faulty. While it seems to have been a rare case, I reached out to the seller immediately, promptly responded. She was incredibly helpful and quickly sent out replacement legs. To make up for the inconvenience, she even offered a discount! With the correct leg in place, my chair is now perfect. It's sturdy, and the seat is comfortable, although an additional cushion would enhance it even further. Overall, I love this chair. It adds a vibrant touch to my office space!
Love these chairs
Upon receiving the chair, I discovered that one of the legs was faulty. While it seems to have been a rare case, I reached out to the seller immediately, promptly responded. She was incredibly helpful and quickly sent out replacement legs. To make up for the inconvenience, she even offered a discount! With the correct leg in place, my chair is now perfect. It's sturdy, and the seat is comfortable, although an additional cushion would enhance it even further. Overall, I love this chair. It adds a vibrant touch to my office space!