Although the bed was easy to assemble and looks cute for a toddler, it is not safe for anyone to sleep in. I set up this bed for my 2-year-old daughter a month ago, but the bed completely fell apart while she was sleeping. The bed became completely detached from the headboard, despite being assembled according to the instructions. It's clear that this is a cheap bed, and it's a waste of money. I can't trust that it won't collapse again, so I'll need to buy a new bed. I suggest finding a different bed to avoid the risk of another collapse.
Good design, bad manufacturer, bad for shipping.
Although the bed was easy to assemble and looks cute for a toddler, it is not safe for anyone to sleep in. I set up this bed for my 2-year-old daughter a month ago, but the bed completely fell apart while she was sleeping. The bed became completely detached from the headboard, despite being assembled according to the instructions. It's clear that this is a cheap bed, and it's a waste of money. I can't trust that it won't collapse again, so I'll need to buy a new bed. I suggest finding a different bed to avoid the risk of another collapse.