These are great! The seat is much bigger than I was expecting. I included a picture with my hand for reference. Theyre comfortable and very sturdy. Assembly only took about 10 min with my husband and I each working on one. Very simple! We saw more or less the same stools at Ashley Furniture for $100 each, so $125 for both is a steal! Its too early to say how well theyll hold up with our 4 kids, but Im confident theyll be fine.
Sturdy and Bigger Than Expected
These are great! The seat is much bigger than I was expecting. I included a picture with my hand for reference. Theyre comfortable and very sturdy. Assembly only took about 10 min with my husband and I each working on one. Very simple! We saw more or less the same stools at Ashley Furniture for $100 each, so $125 for both is a steal! Its too early to say how well theyll hold up with our 4 kids, but Im confident theyll be fine.