i love this bar stools. its very easy to assemble and sturdy. it took me 10 mins to put everything together. very comfortable to sit on and the height can be adjustable which is amazing. We use the shorter legs since our table is not that high but when we have the a bar, we can switch it to the longer legs. The price is very good for the chairs, it came in a pair. very satisfy!!! I would recommend these stools for people who are shopping for bar stools.
Amazing Bar stools
i love this bar stools. its very easy to assemble and sturdy. it took me 10 mins to put everything together. very comfortable to sit on and the height can be adjustable which is amazing. We use the shorter legs since our table is not that high but when we have the a bar, we can switch it to the longer legs. The price is very good for the chairs, it came in a pair. very satisfy!!! I would recommend these stools for people who are shopping for bar stools.