My daughter bought one for my granddaughter and shes been using it for the past year. It is sturdy and stands the abuse- you know how rough toddlers could be!
I recently bought the same bed for my granddaughter to use when she sleeps over at my house. This is an awesome company in terms of customer service. I had a problem with the footboard and they could not have been more helpful in figuring out what I needed and sending replacement pieces.
Well made, good looking, great customer service
My daughter bought one for my granddaughter and shes been using it for the past year. It is sturdy and stands the abuse- you know how rough toddlers could be! I recently bought the same bed for my granddaughter to use when she sleeps over at my house. This is an awesome company in terms of customer service. I had a problem with the footboard and they could not have been more helpful in figuring out what I needed and sending replacement pieces.