It takes longer than 30 minutes and more than one person, despite what they say!
Very sturdy but not the easiest to put together. The little guardrail posts are the devil!!! They do not stay in place trying to assemble into the bottom guardrail. Either they need to find a way to have that already affixed or a better way to assemble it, but I got it done after 2 days, 2 people and wood glue. Other than that, lovely.
It takes longer than 30 minutes and more than one person, despite what they say!
Very sturdy but not the easiest to put together. The little guardrail posts are the devil!!! They do not stay in place trying to assemble into the bottom guardrail. Either they need to find a way to have that already affixed or a better way to assemble it, but I got it done after 2 days, 2 people and wood glue. Other than that, lovely.