I bought this for my 2 year old, because it had 3 sides like a toddler bed, but he could also continue using it as he grew up. It has been perfect for that purpose but it would be great for an adult as well. Putting it together was a bit of a challenge when it came to placing all of the rods on the sides, but other than that was a breeze. Quality is great for the price. Its obviously not going to be as nice as a solid wood bed but for the price you cant beat it.
Perfect transitional bed for a toddler
I bought this for my 2 year old, because it had 3 sides like a toddler bed, but he could also continue using it as he grew up. It has been perfect for that purpose but it would be great for an adult as well. Putting it together was a bit of a challenge when it came to placing all of the rods on the sides, but other than that was a breeze. Quality is great for the price. Its obviously not going to be as nice as a solid wood bed but for the price you cant beat it.