I cant say how long these will last because I just bought them last week but they are sturdy and perfect for our kids. I have assembled tons of furniture and this bed was one of the easiest ones ever because parts are labeled and directions are clear. Im starting my 9th month of pregnancy and I assembled 2 of these by myself but having a helper would make it even easier. It has plenty of room for storage underneath if you dont need to put another bed under it.
Great little bed
I cant say how long these will last because I just bought them last week but they are sturdy and perfect for our kids. I have assembled tons of furniture and this bed was one of the easiest ones ever because parts are labeled and directions are clear. Im starting my 9th month of pregnancy and I assembled 2 of these by myself but having a helper would make it even easier. It has plenty of room for storage underneath if you dont need to put another bed under it.